Saturday, October 9, 2021

Where Are All of the Anti-War Protests?

    I find it very interesting that you rarely hear voices in today's society about protesting against our wars. Probably the thing that puzzles me the most is that this is something that I've never actually thought about before. I've heard stories from my mother about the protests against the war in Vietnam and how she had wished she were old enough to go them. That war was an atrocity, and killed many men that didn't even sign up to be a part of it. I  think this is a small part of why we rarely see anti-war protests in today's society. 

    There's a common idea found in today's society that people think something along the lines of "oh well they knew what they signed up for." Not having a draft gives a different aspect to the war because, although there are still young men and women being killed overseas with no clear reason for what they are trying to accomplish there, it's not a situation where the government is knocking down doors and taking people away from their families. (Although one could argue against that due to the way that the government tactically recruits its soldiers.) Though this is not the only reason why we don't see anti-war protests like we used to.

    People nowadays are just as opposed to the war as they were back then. I guess the difference is that we came to a point when we were being fed so many different lies, and there seemed to be no end to the war, that people just got tired of speaking out about it. One of the websites linked here to support anti-war views looks like it hasn't been updated in nearly 10 years. 

    The lack of news coverage about it also may play a role in all of this. I didn't live back in the times of the Vietnam War, but I'd imagine that it was in the news a lot more than it is today. Today, you hear about stories coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but you never really hear any milestones that encourage you that the war is progressing. Usually it's just about another bombing in another foreign city that viewers quite honestly have a hard time connecting to. Who knows, maybe the government is using prior restraint on war stories that we just don't know about, but I feel like most of the bigger stories happening nowadays are more focused on issue happening inside our borders rather than outside our borders.

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