Sunday, October 10, 2021

Living in the Age of AI

    I found this Frontline story to be both interesting and very scary. A lot of the things said in this video don't surprise me, but at the same time still amaze me. I know that the development of AI and Facial Recognition software are things that have high interest to governments around the world, as these tools will be the tools that lead us to the future. What I didn't realize is how advanced we actually were in this new field of technology. Also, 2019 may not seem like a long time ago, but I can guarantee you that since that story was produced, the advancements we have made in AI and machine learning have made these machines much more sophisticated in just 24 months. 

    One of the very interesting things that I found in this video was China's quick advancement into the field. I was not surprised to hear the fact that they were amongst the leaders in the field, but for them to have joined the game so late and produce impressive results so quickly is something that I don't think is even emphasized enough in that video. I mean, if they were able to make a jump like THAT in just 5 years, who knows where they will be in say, 10 years? Will we all be AI slaves by that time because it sure seems like that's the rate in which we're headed. In all seriousness though, this story has really opened my eyes about how quickly we are headed into this weird new future. I knew that society would look vastly different in 50 years, but it seems like even more and more, that vision that I have of the future in 50 years, is getting closer and closer to 5 years rather than 50. It's a scary time that we're living in, but I'll be damned if I don't say that I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. 

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