Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Supreme Court and Its Origins


    The Supreme Court has had a long history with many changes made to the judicial branch throughout the years. With the massive power they hold, which has only increased since the constitution was established, they have influenced the course of American history in countless different ways. 

    On, there's an article I read that gave a pretty informative overview of the history and progression of the Supreme Court. One of the most surprising things I found in this article was the change in the number of justices present on the court. It started out with 6, but at one point went down to 5. It then got as high as 10 justices before staying at 9 justices, the number it has stayed at since 1869. One other interesting fact that I found in the article was that former president William Howard Taft was actually a justice himself, and eventually a chief justice as well.

    Probably the most important takeaway I got from the article was the sheer power the court possesses. Between all of the cases they have made decisions on, it has really shaped how American society has progressed throughout the years. Things like same sex marriage, abortion laws, and even earlier decisions in America's history including rights concerning personal freedom, were all made possible by the Supreme Court.

    I think after reading this article, I've really come to realize just how crucial the Judicial system is to the integrity of the American government. Without them, Nixon might've gotten away with even more crimes than he ended up committing. Other presidents and congress could've easily abused their power in multiple instances if it weren't for the Supreme Court. Honestly, the Supreme Court might be the most powerful branch of government in the U.S..

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