Thursday, August 26, 2021

My 5 Favorite Sources of Information

1. Reddit:

    I'm a huge fan of Reddit because it's very community based. The benefit with Reddit over Twitter is that there is a lot of supervision over the posts there so it is rare to get false information without someone calling it out. There is definitely some bias on the site but it is very interesting to read various readers' takes on the news that is posted.

2. ESPN:

    I use ESPN for almost all of my news for sports. My two favorite sports are football and basketball and they cover those very well and in great detail. It's also very useful to find headlines about other sports such as baseball that while I don't follow very closely, it's nice to get updates on what's going on in the sport. The best part about ESPN is probably the fact that they cover almost any sport imaginable. They even have coverage on competitive video game leagues!

3. Twitter News:

    I know there's a universal view about Twitter and how easy it is to spread fake news on the site. This is very true but at the same time, there is a lot of useful information to be found on twitter, and it's unique in that you can find information almost instantly about any topic or news story. While you do have to take the information with a grain of salt, it can be easy to figure out what's real news and what's fake based on who's posting the information. As long as you know what to look for, Twitter can be a great source to get live updates about events happening around the world.

4. NBC:

    NBC is a mainstream news source that I personally really trust. There is definitely some bias within the company, but it's a lot more subtle and less in your face than some other popular news sources out there. Since NBC is so popular, it has to meet a standard to maintain their gigantic audience and this keeps them honest for the most part. 

5. New York Times:

    The New York Times in my eyes is one of the most prestigious sources of news and information. Despite its recent political controversies, the articles that they post are very interesting and well written, and they cover a wide array of topics. I feel that there is something in the New York Times for anyone. Whether it's sports updates, updates about new technologies and advancements in science, or even just some lighthearted stories of people from around the country, everyone can find at least something that can spark their interest. Despite its name, it covers news from around the world and I think it's an important contributor the the main stream media network.

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